03 July 2009

Not To Worry, We're Still Here

First, I'd like to apologize for the lull in entries the last few weeks. It's been quite a busy time. We here at the NJV Love146 Task Force attended the North Jersey Vineyard Church's Women's Luncheon on June 6. Love146 was honored at the luncheon, and Marie Morin, the Eastern Regional Director and co-founder of the Long Island Task Force, was the guest speaker. Her words encouraged the congregation, and we're grateful for her visiting us to share about the wonderful work of Love146. I was able to sit down with Marie for a few minutes to interview her for our blog. I hope you enjoy it and find it informative. Below the interview, I've posted some pictures from the evening.

Jewelry made by trafficking survivors.

Suzanne, a happy jewelry customer, with Marie Morin.

Quite a few people came out.

Marie speaks to the women of the North Jersey Vineyard Church.

We were all encouraged by what Marie shared with us.

Marie with the NJV Love 146 Task Force.

Coming soon, we'll be having a car wash this July. We're still trying to find a place to have it at, so if any of you out there know of a place, please e-mail us at njvlove146taskforce@gmail.com. We're also still planning to have some form of a walk-a-thon. I'll be sure to post the details when we have them.
I'd like to also remind everyone reading that while you are celebrating your freedom and those who fought for your freedom this July 4th, there will be millions out there on this day and every day that do not yet have their freedom. Let's pray and work together in the hope that one day all will be free.

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." - Jesus of Nazareth

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